Senin, 06 Agustus 2012

Naskah soal UN 2007-2008

UN 2009
Text 1
The following text is for questions 16 and 19.
Every time see illegal logging in their area, the women and children cry out, “Where can we settle and make a living if our forests were gone?” They are the forest people, members of the local Anak Dalam tribe, in Mangkekal (Makekal), Bukit Duabelas National Park, Jambi province. They have tried very hard to protect the forest zone from illegal logging operations. “Adult as well as children are fighting for the conservation of this forest,” said tribal chief Tumenggung (Regent) Meriak. The national park zone is about 60,000 hectares. It is home for about 1,500 Anak Dalam. The tribesmen llive in Mangkekal, Kedasung, Air hitam, and Terap.

16. The text mainly tells us about …
A. forest people
B. National Park
C. forest conservation
D. illegal logging
E. illegal operation

17. Who were fighting for the conservation of the forest?
A. Members of the local Anak Dalam.
B. Tribal chief and his partner.
C. Women and children.
D. Adults and children.
E. Tribesmen.

18. The purpose of the text is …
A. to describe the Bukit Dua Belas National Park
B. to persuade readers about National Park Zone
C. to tell the readers what had happened in the forest
D. to entertain readers with a story about Anak Dalam
E. to inform readers about illegal logging

19. The tribesmen who are not included in the protest are from …
A. Terap
B. Jambi
C. Air hitam
D. Kedasung
E. Mangkekal

Text 2
The following text is for questions 20 and 23.
The Incas used to be a large empire of 990 000 km2 in Peru of South America. Their city was high up in the Andes Mountains. They were well-known for their great wealth, especially gold. This great empire was unfortunately destroyed in an attack by the Spaniards who were searching for famed gold. Although this empire existed way back in 1493, it was not backward but complex and well-organized.
The empire was ruled by the Sapa Inca, Lord of the World, Son of the Sun. he owned everything in the empire – the land, soil, gold and even the people. The people, therefore, had no freedom.
Boys and girls were to live a life of obedience and tradition. They began working in
their ayllu or family group. The rule was Ama sua, ama llulla, ama sheklla, which means, “Do not steal, do not lie, do not be lazy.”
Despite this difficult way of life, the Incas were very skilful. They constructed drainage system and underground water reservoirs. Their buildings were made from huge stones. These were cut to fit perfectly together so that no mortar was needed. Their rope bridges were so strong that even a horse could gallop across them!
The Incas had no written language Information was recorded on knotted strings
called quipus. These were also used as calculators. Strong and healthy young boys were
chosen as chasquis or couriers to carry messages from one place to another.

20. The text mainly tell about …
A. chasquis
B. the Incas
C. Sapa Inca
D. Spaniards
E. The Andes

21. “They constructed drainage system and underground water reservoirs.” (Paragraph 4)
A. grew
B. bore
C. built
D. existed
E. renovated

22. How was the empire destroyed?
A. The empire was destroyed by huge stones
B. It was destroyed by well-organized ayllu.
C. The empire was ruled by the Sapa Inca.
D. It was reconstructed by systems.
E. It was attacked by the Spaniards.

23. What did they use to calculate?
A. Quipus.
B. Strings.
C. Mortars.
D. Chasquis.
E. Huge stones.

Text 3.
The following text is for questions 24 to 27.
Higher Education for women
In this modern era still some parents who are reluctant about sending their daughters to college. The narrow attitude shown to women’s education is largely due to the traditional role of women in society. A woman is expected to be a wife and a mother.
Most parents believe that if their daughter gets married and chooses to be a housewife,
then the higher education will be a waste. However, an educated woman is not only a better wife but also contributes something to the society.
Nowadays, more and more women are successfully combining their career and marriage. Educated women are richer both emotionally and financially. They are able to find an outlet fot their monotonous drudgery of their housekeeping. They bring more satisfaction and contentment to their lives.
Depriving girls of higher education is crass discrimination. Times have changed; modern society needs the talents of its people regardless of gender. Today, women work alongside men. In fact, in the last few decades, women have made outstanding contributions to society. Women should be given the freedom to be educated whether or not they get married or go to work after finishing their education, because it is only through education that a woman will find herself useful and discover what she wants in life. A woman who works is not an insult to her husband. Conversely, her husband should feel proud of her achievements since marriage is actually an equal partnership.
Therefore, parents should not think that girls should receive less education just because they will get married one day.

24. What makes parents reluctant to send their daughters to college?
A. They think education will be a waste.
B. More women are successful in their career.
C. It is a waste for women to go to college.
D. Traditional roles of women in society do not need high education
E. They have to contribute something to the society.

25. What is the main purpose of the text?
A. To put forward a point of view or argument about higher education for women.
B. To tell the parents in this modern era about how to educate their daughters.
C. To persuade readers what should and should not do about education.
D. To explain to readers about how to give education for their daughters
E. To describe the fact about how some parents educate their daughters.

26. Modern society needs …
A. educated career women
B. married women
C. educated women
D. good housewives and mothers
E. talented people regardless gender

27. “In fact, in the last few decades, women have made outstanding contributions to society.”(Paragraph 3).
The synonym of the underlined word is …
A. main
B. major
C. ordinary
D. well known
E. remarkable

Text 4
The following text is for questions 28 to 32.
There are a lot of discussions as to whether children should be given homework or
            Some people claim that children do enough work in school already. They also argue that children have hobbies that they want to do after school, such, as sports or music. A further point they make is that a lot of homework is pointless and doesn’t help the child learn at all.
            However, there are also strong arguments against this point of view. Parents and teachers argue that it is important to find out whether children can work on their own without the support from the teacher. They say that the evening is a good time for children to sit down and think about what they have learned in school.
            Furthermore they claim that the school day is too short to get anything done that needs doing and it makes sense to send home tasks like independent reading or further writing tasks that don’t need teacher’s support.
            On balance, I think that some homework is a good idea but that it should only given at the weekend when children have more time.

28. How do we compare the second and the fourth paragraph?
A. Both paragraphs argue that homework is necessary for students.
B. Unlike the fourth paragraph, the second paragraph argues that homework is unnecessary.
C. The second paragraph supports that students need homework, but the fourth paragraph
does not.
D. The second paragraph and the fourth paragraph argue that students do not need homework.
E. The second and the fourth paragraphs do not say anything about the benefit of homework.

29. How many reasons are presented by those who are against homework?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 5

30. Those who are pro homework think that the students can … in the evening.
A. prepare for the next lesson
B. review their lessons
C. enjoy their pastime
D. do their hobbies
E. test themselves

UN 2008
The text for questions 16 to 19.
The Three Sheiks and Queen of Arabia
Maura, who liked to be thought of as the most beautiful and powerful
queen of Arabia, had many suitors. One by one she discarded them, until her list was reduced to just three sheiks, all equally young and handsome, rich and strong. It was very hard to decide who would be the best of them.
One evening, Maura disguised herself and went to the camp of the
three sheiks, as they were about to have a dinner, and asked them for
something to eat.
The first gave her some leftover food; the second gave her some unappetizing camel’s tail; the third sheik, who was called Hakim, offered her some of the most tender and tasty meat. After dinner, the disguised queen left the sheik’s camp.
The following day the queen invited the three sheiks to dinner at her palace. She ordered her servants to give each one exactly what they had given her the evening before.
Hakim, who received a plate of delicious meat, refused to eat it if the other two could not
share it with him, and this act finally convinced Queen Maura that he was the man for her.
“Without question, Hakim is the most generous of you’” she announced her choice to the
sheiks, “So it is Hakim I will marry.”

16. The three sheiks were not …
A. rich
B. young
C. strong
D. gloomy
E. handsome

17. Which statement is TRUE about the queen?
A. The queen was the most powerful queen in Africa.
B. The queen was very proud of her beauty and riches.
C. The queen herself served the sheiks with delicious food.
D. The queen was very careful in deciding whom she would marry.
E. The queen was very satisfied with the food given by the sheiks.

18. The Queen ordered her servants to give the sheiks the same kind of food she got from them the
evening before because …
A. she wanted to entertain her guests
B. she wanted to test the sheik’s taste
C. she wanted to see the sheik’s reactions
D. she wanted to make a joke of the sheiks
E. she wanted to repay the sheiks’ kindness

19. The main idea of paragraph six is …
A. Hakim was unselfish person.
B. Hakim was served with succulent meat.
C. Hakim was satisfied with the food served.
D. Hakim wanted to share the food with the sheiks.
E. Hakim had made the queen find the resolution of her problem.

The text is for questions 20 to 23.

Some of the world’s finest roads make use of bodies of water. They are called canals. Canals are man made waterways. They are usually straight and narrow. But they are filled with water. They connect rivers and lakes, oceans and lakes, rivers and rivers, and oceans and oceans so that boats and ships can go from one to the other.
Most canals are used for transportation. Barges, boats, and ships carry goods over canals. Some are used to irrigate land or to carry sewage from large cities. Canals also reduce the cost of shipping goods and offer travel short cuts, Canals even go over hills and mountains. But you know that water can’t flow up a hill; so how can the water and boats in a canal go up a hill? Something called a lock is used. It is a giant tank. The tank is big enough to hold a long boat. The boat floats into the tank, and the doors behind it are closed to lock the boat in there. Then more water is let into the tank. When the tank is full of water, the tank door in front of the boat is opened and the boat floats out. The boat floats higher and higher as the water rises.
It floats either out into a higher part of the canal or into another tank or lock, which will lift it still higher. To go down the hill on the other side, the boat enters a lock that is full of water. As the water is let out of the lock, the boat will float lower and lower. So locks make it possible for boats or ships to move from one water level to another.

20. The text is about …
A. roads
B. waterways
C. water transportation
D. world’s finest canals
E. straight and narrow roads

21. Why do people build canals?
A. To lift boats.
B. To rise water.
C. To store sewage.
D. To hold a giant tank.
E. To connect rivers, lakes, and oceans.

22. According to the text, the canals join together the following EXCEPT …
A. rivers and lakes
B. oceans and lakes
C. rivers and rivers
D. rivers and oceans
E. oceans and oceans

23. “They are straight and narrow like some roads.” (Paragraph 2).
The antonym of the underlined word is …
A. flat
B. rough
C. bumpy
D. indirect
E. winding

for questions 24 and 25

Pay attention!
Our school will have a Debate Competition
_ Participants : All students in our school
_ It will be held from 10th – 12th August 2008
_ Prizes : I Rp. 2.000.000,-
II Rp. 1.500.000,-
III Rp. 1.000.000,-
Please join us!
Are you ready?

24. What is the announcement about?
A. A school debate.
B. A school competition.
C. A debate competition.
D. Extracurricular activities.
E. Participants of the debate.

25. According to the text the competition …
A. is only for students with good English.
B. is in the form of spoken arguments.
C. is in the form of written arguments.
D. will be held after school hours.
E. will run for two days.

This text is for questions 26 to 28.
Mangrove Trees

A mangrove is a tropical marine tree or shrub of the genus Rhizhopora. Mangroves have special aerial roots and salt-filtering tap roots that enable them to thrive in brackish water (brackish water is salty, but not as salty as sea water).
There are several species of mangrove trees found all over the world. Some prefer more salinity, while others like to be very close to a large fresh water source (such as a river). Some prefer areas that are sheltered from waves. Some species have their roots covered with sea water everyday during high tide. Other species grow on dry land, but are still part of the ecosystem.
Mangroves need to keep their trunk and leaves above the surface of the water. Yet they also need to be firmly attached to the ground so they are not moved by waves. There are three types of
mangrove roots that play an important role for it:
(1) support roots which directly pierce the soil.
(2) level-growing roots which twist upwards and downwards, eith the upward twists emerging on the water surface.
(3) level-growing roots whose downward twist (sub-roots) appear on the water surface.
Any part of a root that appears above the water flows oxygen to the plant under water surface. As the soil begins to build up, these roots produce additional roots that become embedded in the soil.

26. The main idea of the text is …
A. Mangroves grow on dry land
B. Mangroves are tropical marine trees
C. There are many species of mangroves
D. Mangroves roots filter the salt of the sea-water
E. Mangrove roots are attached firmly to the ground

27. We can conclude that most mangrove trees …
A. need salt to grow.
B. grow on dry land.
C. grow on sheltered areas.
D. get oxygen from water.
E. grow near fresh water sources.

28. In order to grow well mangroves require the following, EXCEPT …
A. The roots twist upwards and downwards.
B. The trunk should be above the water surface.
C. The leaves should be above the water surface.
D. The trees should be firmly attached to the ground.
E. The parts of the plant under the water should have enough salt.

The text is for questions 29 to 32

Is it important to know what your kids are watching? Of course yes. Television can expose things you have tried to protect them from, especially violence, pornography, consumerism, etc.
A study demonstrated that spending too much time on watching TV during the day or at bedtime often causes bedtime disruption, stress, and short of sleep duration. Another research found that there is a significant relationship between the amount of time
spent for watching television during adolescence and early adulthood, and the possibility of being aggressive.
Meanwhile, many studies have identified a relationship between kids who watch TV a lot and being inactive and overweight.
Considering some facts mentioned above, protect your children with the following tips:
1. Limit television viewing to 1 – 2 hours each day.
2. Do not allow your children to have a TV set in their bedrooms.
3. Review the rating of TV shows that your children watch.
4. Watch television with your children and discuss what is happening in the show.

29. What is the text about?
A. The program shown on TV.
B. Watching TV is disadvantageous.
C. The effects of watching television on kids.
D. Reviewing the ratings of TV shows is important.
E. The importance of knowing the program watched by our children.

30. The following are the effects of watching TV a lot EXCEPT …
A. stress
B. being active
C. being aggressive
D. bedtime disruption
E. shorten sleep duration

31. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text?
A. All TV programs are good for children.
B. Children know what programs to watch.
C. It is goof for a kid to watch TV all day long.
D. It is very important for children to have a TV set in their bedrooms.
E. Spending too much time for watching TV may cause kids inactive.

32. It is hard for a child to sleep because …
A. the parents review TV’s program
B. the parents limit the time to watch TV
C. the kid watches TV with his/her parents
D. the kid watches too much TV at bedtime
E. the kid discusses the program with his/her parents

The text is for questions 33 and 34

We, a mining consultant company, are looking for …
_ Female, graduated from a reputable university
_ Min. 5 years of work experience
_ Good command of English (oral & written)
_ Computer literate (min. Word, Excel, Internet)
Please submit your complete application, resume & recent photograph not more than 10 days
after this ads to :
Wisma Emha Jln. Wijaya I No. 11A, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan 12170
Fax no. 021-7207978
e-mail address :
only short listed candidates will be notified

33. What is the text about?
A. Wisma Emha.
B. A job vacancy.
C. A senior secretary.
D. An application letter.
E. PT Citra Energy Development.

34. The following are the requirements asked EXCEPT …
A. Five years experience.
B. Able to operate a computer.
C. Able to speak and write in English.
D. A graduate from a reputable university.
E. Application letter should be sent ten days after this ads.

This text is for questions 35 to 37.

Petroleum products, such as gasoline, kerosene, home heating oil, residual fuel oil and lubricating oils, come from one source. Crude oil is found below the earth surface, as well as under large bodies of water, from a few hundred feet below the surface to as deep as 25.000 feet into the earth interior. Crude oil is obtained by drilling a hole through the earth, but sometimes more dry holes are drilled than those producing oil. Pressure at the source, or pumping, forces the crude oil to the surface.
Crude oil wells flows at varying rates, from ten to thousands of barrel per hour. Petroleum products vary greatly in physical appearance: thin, thick, transparent, or opaque. Their chemical compositions are made up of only two elements: carbon and hydrogen, which form compounds called hydrocarbons. Other chemical elements found in the union with the hydrocarbons are few and are classified as impurities. Trace elements are also found, but these are of such minute quantities that they are disregarded.
The various petroleum products are refined from the crude oil by heating and condensing the vapors of crude oil. These products are called light oils such as gasoline, kerosene and distillate oil.

35. The best title of the text is …
A. Petroleum Products.
B. Crude Oil Products.
C. Petroleum Processing.
D. Processing Petroleum Products.
E. Petroleum Chemical Compositing.

36. “…, but these are of such minute quantities.” (Paragraph 2)
The antonym of the underlined word is …
A. big
B. wide
C. broad
D. plain
E. apparent

37. The second paragraph is mainly about …
A. the products of crude oil.
B. the elements of crude oil.
C. the impurities of crude oil.
D. the physical appearance of crude oil.
E. the chemical compositions of crude oil.

The text is for questions 38 to 40.

Breaking and Entering is an unusual film. Will and Sandy are two architects working on a major urban renewal project in the King’s Cross section in London. The area is unsafe and ready for such a project. Will and Sandy move their offices into a nearby vacant warehouse.
Will has to deal with constant burglaries at his new office. One night, he saw Miro trying to break into the building. He chased Miro to his run down apartment block and watched him return to his mother, Amira, a Bosnian immigrant who makes a living tailoring clothes. Soon, Will ‘meet’ Amira and they begin an affair. And Amira learns that Will holds the key of her son’s future. How far will this mother go to protect her son? Breaking and Entering is a very enteristing film, but it is almost entirely character driven. This is not a bad thing although in the film we are exposed to a story or action driven.
Anthony Minghella, the director, creates some of the most believable, interesting characters these actors have ever played. It is almost painful to watch them on their journey. Each of characters makes decisions affecting how their lives will play out, or change and these decisions and actions affect the story. The characters aren’t reacting to the story. They are changing it.

38. The text is mainly about …
A. a review of a new film, Breaking and Entering.
B. the process in making the new film, Breaking and Entering.
C. an amusing story dealing with experience in different ways.
D. an account of an unusual or amusing incident retold by the film.
E. the description how the film is accomplished through a series of steps.

39. “Will and Sandy move their offices into a nearby vacant warehouse.” (Paragraph 1).
The antonym of the underlined word is …
A. empty
B. fulfilled
C. covered
D. occupied
E. luxurious

40. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE according to the text?
A. Miro is one of the burglars who tried to break into Will’s new office.
B. Will has to deal with consultant burglaries at his new office.
C. Miro is Amira’s son, a Bosnian immigrant who makes a living by tailoring clothes.
D. The area where the two architects work is unsafe and ready for a renewal project.
E. Minghella, the critic, creates some of the most interesting characters the actors have ever played.

The text is for questions 41 to 44
Nuclear power is generated by using uranium, which is a metal mined in various parts of the world. The first large-scale nuclear power station was opened at Calder Hall in Cumbria, England, in 1956.
Some military ships and submarines have nuclear power plant for engines. Nuclear power produces around 11% of the world’s energy needed, and produces huge amounts of energy. It causes no pollution as you’d get when burning fossil fuels.
The advantages of nuclear is as follows:
(1) It costs about the same as coal, so it’s not expensive to make.
(2) It doesn’t produce smoke or carbon dioxide, so it doesn’t contribute to the greenhouse effect.
(3) It produces huge amounts of energy from small amount uranium.
(4) It produces small amounts of waste.
(5) It is reliable.
On the other hand, nuclear power is very, very dangerous. It must be sealed up and buried for many years to allow the radioactivity to die away. Furthermore, although it is reliable, a lot of money has to be spent on safety because if it does go wrong, a nuclear accident can be a major disaster.
People are increasingly concerned about this. In the 1990’s nuclear power was the fastest growing source of power in many parts of the world. In 2005, it was the 2nd slowest-growing.

41. The text discusses …
A. nuclear in general
B. nuclear biggest station
C. the danger of radioactive
D. the disadvantages of nuclear power
E. the advantages and disadvantages of nuclear power

42. The opposite of dangerous is … (Paragraph 4)
A. vile
B. dull
C. tiny
D. calm
E. safe

43. Why is nuclear power very dangerous?
Because …
A. its radioactivity lasts long
B. uranium is renewable
C. it is reliable
D. it is cheap
E. it is safe

44. Which statement is TRUE about nuclear?
A. It is reliable.
B. It is costly to make.
C. It causes air pollution.
D. It affects the greenhouse.
E. It produces small amount of energy.

This text is for questions 45 to 47.
Last week I took my five-year old son, Willy, to a musical instrument store in my hometown. I wanted to buy him a set of junior drum because his drum teacher advised me to buy him one. Willy likes listening to music very much. He also likes asking me everything he wants to know. Even his questions sometimes seem precocious for a boy of his age. He is very inquisitive.
We went there by car. On the way, we saw a policeman standing near a traffic light
regulating the passing cars and other vehicles. He blew his whistle now and then. Seeing the policeman blowing his whistle, Willy asked me at once, “Dad, why is the policeman using a whistle, not a drum?”
Hearing his unexpected question I answered reluctantly, “Because he is not Phil Collins!”

45. What does the text talk about?
A. Willy and his new drum.
B. Phil Collins and his drum.
C. A policeman and his whistle.
D. Willy’s drum private teacher.
E. The writer’s five-years old son.

46. From the text above we know that Willy is a/an … boy.
A. smart
B. funny
C. stupid
D. childish
E. annoying

47. Which sentence makes the text a funny story?
A. He is very inquisitive.
B. “Because he is not Phil Collins”.
C. He blew his whistle now and then.
D. He also likes asking me everything he wants to know.
E. “Dad, why is the policeman using a whistle not a drum?

This text is for questions 48 to 50.
PHILIPPINES : At least nine people were killed and dozens were injured when the
Philippines security forces clashed with dozens of slum dwellers who resisted the tearing down of their homes in the northern province, a police commander said Tuesday.
Raul Gonzales, the police chief in the northern Cordillera area, said, that the soldiers and police officers traded gunfire with dozens of people who are illegally occupying the private land in Kalinga province.
“Our team was ambushed on their way to the community to be demolished,” said Gonzales. He added that the security only defended themselves after the residents dug foxholes and opened fire with automatic rifles.
“Nine people were killed and dozens were wounded, including 10 police officers during almost 10 hours of fighting. We even had to evacuate some of our officers who needed surgery to get the bullets from their bodies.” – Reuters

48. What is the passage about?
A. An illegal gunfire trade.
B. A demolition of illegal slum dwellers.
C. A fight between the police officers and the soldiers.
D. A clash between the security forces and the slum dwellers.
E. A clash between the police officers and the security officers.

49. The clash happened because …
A. illegal slum dwellers resisted the demolition of their homes.
B. the police officers and soldiers shot the dwellers.
C. nine people were killed by the security forces.
D. the police officers firing the dwellers.
E. the people dwelled in private land.

50. Raul Gonzales said that …
A. ten police officers had to be evacuated.
B. ten police officers were killed in the fighting.
C. ten police officers were injured during the fighting.
D. some of the wounded people needed surgery.
E. more than ten police officers were killed and injured in the fighting.